Northern Viticulture

Northern Viticulture

Reviews and Studies

Juha Karvonen

Vapaa-aika, harrastukset & kulttuuri


5,5 MB

DRM: Vesileimaus

ISBN-13: 9789523308589

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 22.07.2016

Kieli: englanti

23,99 €

sis. alv.

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Lue lisää
Plant breeding and global warming has made it possible to grow adapted grape varieties in higher latitudes, north of 52 N latitude in Europe. The northernmost grape growing occurs nowadays in the Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Norway and Finland), the Baltic countries (Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania) and Poland. Some books available in English quite limited discuss the influence of climate, soil, photoperiodism, and long days during the growing season on grape growing in these new viticulture areas. This book does not provide direct hints on viticulture and does not act as a "cookbook" for wine growing, but instead explains how the current northern growth conditions differ from the growth conditions in the traditional viticulture countries, and what requirements they impose northern viticulture as well as how climate change will influence on them.

- First time I found so much climate information on one time specifically for the vine. The work that is done is a large volume and enriches the information on vine for Nordic countries. Assoc. prof. Ludmil Angelov, Head of Faculty of Viticulture and Horticulture, Agricultural University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Juha Karvonen

Juha Karvonen

Juha Karvonen (s. 1943) on lääketieteen tohtori ja agronomi, joka on opiskellut ja tutkinut viiniköynnöksen kasvatusta Napa Valley Collegessa Kaliforniassa, Eisenstadtin ammattikorkeakoulun maisteriohjelmassa Itävallassa ja Helsingin yliopiston maataloustieteiden laitoksella.

Juha Karvosen kirjoittamat kirjat:
• Viinitarhurina Suomessa – arktisen viininkasvatuksen opas, 2004
• Viiniköynnöksen kasvatus Suomessa, 2010
• Northern viticulture – reviews and studies, 2017
• Ilmaston muutos ja viiniköynnöksen kasvu Etelä-Suomessa, 2018
• Vinkkejä suomalaisille viinitarhureilla, 2019


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