Ultra Lean Business

Ultra Lean Business

Entrepreneurship black belt

Antti Leijala

Talous & johtaminen


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DRM: Vesileimaus

ISBN-13: 9789528012641

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 06.07.2018

Kieli: englanti

Hakusanat: Lean, Sales, entrepreneurship, funding, small business

18,99 €

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Lue lisää
Start the change now, increase your competitiveness!
Ultra Lean Business, Entrepreneurship Black Belt tackles the most common problems small companies and entrepreneurs face. The reader gets 50 or more concrete learnings on different subjects, all simply put and easily implementable to increase company competitiveness. The book includes tasks that further the learning process, and useful links for additional information.

Easy, fast and effective!

The content of this book is designed to fit everyone from starting entrepreneurs to a university level, and from beginners to serial entrepreneurs. The lessons can be implemented in all industries and all types of business. Learning should never be a one-off thing. This book serves as a base for life-long learning where all aspects of the business are being developed, improved and challenged continuously, year after year.

Have a pleasant reading and learning journey!
Antti Leijala

Antti Leijala

Antti Leijala, Licentiate of Science (Technology)

Antti has 20 years of international management experience and a true passion to help his wide network in the areas of sales, entrepreneurship, and change. He is an entrepreneur, educator / trainer, consultant, author, and one of the few Lean sales experts globally.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/anttileijala/
YouTube: www.ultraleanbusiness.com/youtube

UltraLeanBusiness Oy Ltd is Antti Leijala's company helping businesses with sales, entrepreneurship, problem-solving, and innovations. Our customer promise is 'The revolution of business growth'. www.ultraleanbusiness.com.

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