Try-lingual nature

Try-lingual nature

Diliana Stoyanova

Klassikot & runot


62 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789527613016

Kustantaja: Rosetta Versos

Julkaistu: 17.01.2025

Kieli: englanti, suomi

Hakusanat: kolmikielinen runokirja, Haiku, Runous, multilingual poetry book, translingual poetry

20,00 €

sis. alv. / Toimituskulut

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"Try-lingual nature" offers the reader the haiku experience on the passage of time through the four seasons in a fine multilingual creation of the poet Diliana Stoyanova. The haikus have been written simultaneously in English, Finnish, and Japanese, and they are reinforced by the author's translingual creativity over many years.
Diliana Stoyanova

Diliana Stoyanova

Diliana Stoyanova is a Bulgarian-Finnish spoken-word and sound poet, and a law PhD who speaks seven languages (and counting!). She is the 2023 Finnish slam champion, an avid performer who writes to take ownership of her own narrative. Her poetry motto is 'Sometimes I do the words, and sometimes the words do me.' She has been published in magazines and anthologies, most recently in the "Poetry and Settled Status for All" by Civic Leicester to support refugees and migrants. She has been a member of the Editorial Board of Beyond Words Literary Magazine since February 2023.

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