The Stauffers

The Stauffers

Their Roots and Settling in Finland in the 1800s

Jussi Salemaa

Historia, uskonto & humanistiset tieteet


52 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789528094968

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 18.03.2025

Kieli: englanti

Hakusanat: family history, Emigration, cheese making, Switzerland, Dairy farming

12,50 €

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In the hunger years of the 1860s three Stauffer brothers from Simmental in Switzerland arrived in Elimäki to work as cattle breeders and dairymen on the af Forselles estates. These young men became attached to the soil of this chilly country and later achieved the position of independent estate owner and cheese trader. Some decades later three of their sisters together with husbands and children followed in their footsteps. The brothers and their brothers-in-law played a significant role in introducing and consolidating cheese dairying in Finland.
Jussi Salemaa

Jussi Salemaa

Jussi Salemaa (1918 - 1987), M.Sc. Economics, was Finnish Bank manager in Kansallis-Osake -Pankki.

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