The Sex Oracle is both an erotic and spiritual saga. The novel is set on a global map of the world. The narrative is an intuitive stream of thought in which dreams and reality merge into one orgasmic entity. Welcome to accompany a world of expressions and senses. As we read this upcoming story, it is all about stretching our minds, seeing the prejudices and belief systems in oneself, and embracing the differences in us, the people. Whether you are an atheist, a believer, a sex addict or a spiritual pathfinder, you will inevitably encounter the limitations and also the challenges of your own mind on the pages of The Sex Oracle. After all, the book is a portrayal of human development as a holistic entity, in which the protagonist leaves no stone unturned in his search for the meaning in life. ’Who am I?’ is, in fact, the thread of the book with which the reader can identify.
Anup Henrikki Takarautio was born into a working-class family in northern Finland and dreamed of being on an aeroplane as a child. This wish came true as he has been travelling the world for decades. He has put his global travel experiences into a tasty book, part fiction and partly true. In the 1980s his journey to the ashram of spiritual master Osho Rajneesh led him to become a disciple. For several years, he travelled to India to hear the master speak. In this book, the 'Guru’ is inspired by Osho, the meetings in the storytelling and the Guru’s words being fictional. In 1990 Anup met his future wife Maryke, to whom he moved from Finland to live in the Netherlands. She is also the personification of Maria in the book. For current information, visit the author's YouTube channel;
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