The Sermon on the Mount or the Key to Christianity

The Sermon on the Mount or the Key to Christianity

Pekka Ervast

Historia, uskonto & humanistiset tieteet


164 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789527316115

Kustantaja: Tulisoronen

Julkaistu: 06.11.2019

Kieli: englanti

Hakusanat: Beatitudes, Commandments of Jesus, Christianity, Commandments of Moses

13,50 €

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Lue lisää
The Sermon on the Mount (Matt. V - VII chapters), an interpretation by Pekka Ervast

"The Sermon on the Mount is the brightest pearl of world literature."
The five commandments of Jesus worded by Pekka Ervast:
- Be not angry.
- Be pure even in thy thoughts.
- Swear not.
- Resist not evil.
- War not, but love all men.
"The individual man cannot keep these commandments unless a new life begins for him. Little by little his condition will alter."
Pekka Ervast

Pekka Ervast

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