"The Rainbird Tales" is a fascinating journey through northern nature and seasons for people from all walks of life. In old legends the rainbird is a provider of rain for animals and plants, a generous and helpful nature spirit. Today, the bird also collects exciting stories during her travels around the world.
The author wrote the fables out of love for nature and interest in human behavior. The stories tell about country animals, their dreams and fears, about their struggle for freedom, fame, love and belonging. Many of the characters of the book have their counterparts in real life. The fables spiced up with warm humor and illustrations are full of unexpected twists and turns during the animals' eventful adventures in the mysterious northern nature.
Take a deep breath and dive into the colorful world of "The Rainbird Tales" where cows can fly and dogs sing tango.
Marita Rainbird on seikkailumielinen media-alan ammattilainen ja tarinankertoja Helsingistä. Hän on saduillaan ja luovilla tarinankerrontametodeillaan inspiroinut eri ikäisiä ja kulttuuritaustaisia ihmisiä ympäri maailmaa tuoden heidän elämäänsä toivoa ja iloa. Ja matka jatkuu ...
Marita Rainbird is an adventurous media professional and storyteller from Finland. She has inspired people of all ages and races with her stories and creative storytelling methods bringing hope and joy to different parts of the world. And the journey continues …
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