The Dialogue Book

The Dialogue Book

Kai Alhanen

Talous & johtaminen


160 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789523935686

Kustantaja: Into Kustannus Oy

Julkaistu: 13.12.2024

Kieli: englanti

Hakusanat: Dialogue, Management, relationship, conversation, society

33,50 €

sis. alv. / Toimituskulut

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Lue lisää
The essentials of dialogue.

Dialogue is a survival skill of the human race. It is based on our ability to share our experiences of the world around us, of others and ourselves. Through speaking we communicate our daily thoughts and feelings, express our wonders, direct everyday actions, teach children to understand the world around them, argue and reconcile.

The Dialogue Book is related to the dialogical approach developed in Finland over the past 30 to 40 years which has then spread around the world. It covers a range of practices for educational, social and care work, as well as for work communities, teams and management of organizations.

The book outlines the principles of dialogue and describes in practical terms the facilitation of dialogical conversation and the role of the facilitator.
Kai Alhanen

Kai Alhanen

Kai Alhanen is a researcher in political philosophy and the leader of Dialogue Academy. For over 20 years, he has been developing dialogical practices and is one of the most respected trainers of the approach in Finland and internationally. He has published books on Michael Foucalt and John Dewey, as well as on the philosophy dialogue. Additionally, he has introduced innovative dialogue concepts like timeout and national dialogues, which have gained widespread recognition.

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PehmeäkantinenPaperback Glue Binding