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Solfeggio 1
Vapaa-aika, harrastukset & kulttuuri
92 sivua
ISBN-13: 9789522869012
Kustantaja: Books on Demand
Julkaistu: 28.07.2014
Kieli: englanti
34,00 €
sis. alv. / Toimituskulut
Originally I wrote the Solfeggio series for students of Sibelius Academy. Today we know that this learning and teaching programme is suitable for anybody interested in developing his or her musical capacity. To use Solfeggio 1 you will need the exercise book with answers and a CD. The exercise book you can use traditionally, you may complete the e melody, do musical analysis and so on. As to the CD you need to listen to the whole score. It was recorded by the “Larte” Choir and the Chamber Orchestra of the Länsi-Uudenmaan musiikkiopisto [the West Regional Music Institute] in Lohja. CD tracks you can find free at the LUMO web pages. Open at Login as a guest without username or password. Welcome to enjoyable trip to find the secrets of Renaissance, to complete a brilliant Bach Choral or recognize the musical functions of a Viennese classical masterpiece.
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