Shaking up the brain

Shaking up the brain

Instructions and Exercises for Improved Brain Skills

Ville Ojanen

Historia, uskonto & humanistiset tieteet


112 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789523184428

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 11.12.2014

Kieli: englanti

25,95 €

sis. alv. / Toimituskulut

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Lue lisää
Your brain is constantly changing. The connections between neurons change, cells become active or inactive, and they regenerate, die, are born, and generate new networks of connections. Your brain is in constant motion. This is why what you are, what you feel, and what you do are also constantly changing: your world is an experience produced by your brain.

The question is whether you wish to influence the direction into which and the speed at which your brain – and your world – are changing.

If you wish, you can use this guidebook to study the basics of how to develop your brain using skills. However, the key objective of this guidebook is to motivate and assist you in engaging in high-quality concentrated repetition that will gradually change your brain.
Ville Ojanen

Ville Ojanen

Ville Ojanen is a psychologist with Phd in cognitive neuroscience. Ojanen is actively following the latest research and applying it in his work. He has extensive experience as a coach and trainer as well as first hand experience in knowledge intensive brain work as a researcher, HR profesional, entrepreneur and consultant.

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