Report from a Free World

Report from a Free World


Romaanit & novellit


92 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789523186590

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 15.06.2015

Kieli: englanti

Hakusanat: Spiritual, revival, awakening, freedom, Peace

15,95 €

sis. alv. / Toimituskulut

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A deeply touching and spiritually enriching story about a boy whose strong will to find the truth takes him on a journey to a free world.

Shan finds a guide in a free world and gets guidance towards the growth and clarifying of the consciousness.

He familiarizes himself with the free world, the genuine own will and many truths that open up the spirituality.

He learns to understand why our world is feeling bad and how we could improve our world.

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Hannu has previously published, among other books, "Alkuajatus - The Original Thought - The Little Manual of Life", which has been published in three different languages. Alkuajatus is a unique, new view of life. It helps you to reach inner freedom and to approach the genuine selfhood in a functional way. You can find out more about Alkuajatus at

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