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Mottos of Success 2.0
For Managers and Leaders
310 sivua
ISBN-13: 9789528069294
Kustantaja: Books on Demand
Julkaistu: 08.01.2024
Kieli: englanti
24,90 €
sis. alv. / Toimituskulut
Mottos of Success 2.0 - For Managers and Leaders by Jouni Laukkanen is an extensive guide to leadership and the development of managers. The book addresses various dimensions of leadership, such as effective decision-making, supporting an open culture, workplace dynamics, and change management. Laukkanen provides concrete advice and strategies that help leaders understand the needs of their subordinates, create more effective organizations, and improve staff engagement. The book includes both theoretical and practical perspectives and is aimed at everyone interested in leadership. This work offers tools for self-improvement and organizational development, inspires new ways of thinking, and helps build a successful business.
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