Let me linger in this moment

Let me linger in this moment

Mikaela Jussila

Klassikot & runot


166,4 KB

DRM: Vesileimaus

ISBN-13: 9789523182967

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 03.07.2015

Kieli: englanti

Hakusanat: Poetry, Short Story, Romance, Love, life

4,99 €

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Lue lisää
This is a collection of glimpses, moments of love, fractions of life. It has no beginning nor an end. Yet it is fuelled by those memories that never intended to leave, instead they linger in some of the silent rooms within, just to reappear from time to time.

As they linger in me, I have found myself loitering in them.
And maybe, they will allow you to do the same.
Mikaela Jussila

Mikaela Jussila

Mikaela Jussila's writings come right from the heart. They are uncensored, close to the bone and personal.
Let me linger in this moment is the author's first collection of short stories and poems in English.

Jussila has published two novels in Finnish, Poika (2012) and Kuin joki, joka virtaa lävitsesi (2015). Both about the power of love and personal growth.

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