Learn numbers 1-10 with sea life - for Kids

Learn numbers 1-10 with sea life - for Kids

Anu-Susanna Suonkoski



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DRM: Ei kopiosuojausta

ISBN-13: 9789523189126

Kustantaja: Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 28.11.2015

Kieli: englanti

Hakusanat: Numbers, learn, Kids, Sea, Parents

1,99 €

sis. alv.

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Lue lisää
Learn numbers 1 – 10 with funny sea life. With the help of this book you can start to learn numbers from one to ten, 1 to 10, and some of funny sea creatures will help you.
Have a nice learning day with this book!
Anu-Susanna Suonkoski

Anu-Susanna Suonkoski

I am a housewife from Finland and I have two kids and husband, and then I have also six cats so you can say that I am a cat woman (smile). I just started to write these ebooks and I think this is a really nice hobby. I really hope that you enjoy this ebook.

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