Free from Wine

Free from Wine

How life changes when you quit drinking

Ira Koivu

Elämäntaito & käytännön oppaat


160 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789528034889

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 07.02.2024

Kieli: englanti

Hakusanat: sobercurious, alcohol addiction selfhelp, Peer support book, soberlife, soberjoy

13,50 €

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Lue lisää
Free from Wine - How life changes when you quit drinking has liberated countless Finns from alcohol since 2016.

It will revolutionize your understanding of alcohol, alcoholism, sobriety, and life without alcohol. In this book, six women share their stories with their faces and names, revealing their relationship with alcohol, and how their life changed when they quit drinking.

This edition is an updated version of the first edition released in 2016. The first edition concluded with the author, Ira Koivu, having been sober for six months. In this new edition, she shares what happened after the book's publication. The book also includes new stories and research findings.

Feedback on the book:

Journalist Ira Koivu fearlessly tackles a sensitive topic and a significant taboo of our time. Her book Free from Wine makes continuing to drink alcohol extremely challenging.

This remarkable book prompts reflection on why that deadly poison has become an accepted part of our collective lifestyle.

- Author Heikki Peltola
Ira Koivu

Ira Koivu

Ira Koivu (b. 1975) is a journalist with a Masters Degree in Social Sciences who realized in 2011 that she had become dependent on alcohol.
At that time, she discovered a study suggesting that alcohol pathways can be erased from the brain if the person is under 40 years old and has no history of detoxification treatment.
Meeting the criteria, Koivu abstained from drinking for four months, and started an anonymous blog on the topic.

Those four months opened her eyes regarding alcohol use.

In 2015, she quit drinking for good, realizing that her addiction was resurfacing. She began writing the book Free from Wine which was first published in 2016.

Today, Koivu helps others break free from alcohol through her company, Soberisti. The Soberisti online and mobile method helps high functioning alcohol addicts break free from alcohol truly anonymously, with ease and joy.

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