Flipped Learning in Finland

Flipped Learning in Finland

Marika Toivola, Pekka Peura, Markus Humaloja

Oppiminen & kielet


4,1 MB

DRM: Vesileimaus

ISBN-13: 9789513773137

Kustantaja: Edita Oppiminen

Julkaistu: 18.02.2020

Kieli: englanti

26,99 €

sis. alv.

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Lue lisää
Practice and theory of flipped learning in the well-appreciated Finnish school system

Flipped Learning in Finland provides an introduction to the concepts, theoretical background and practical implementation of flipped learning. The authors challenge the prevailing myth of how learning takes place at school and present flipped learning as a new one. With a strong practical foundation, flipped learning emphasizes a human approach to learning and the student's freedom to learn.

In flipped learning, teachers have more time to communicate with their students as individuals, and the students can tap into the teacher's know-how as a route to self-motivation. The book challenges teachers to develop their teaching towards a student-oriented culture of learning.

The authors are the most widely recognized advocates and developers of flipped learning in Finland.

"AMAZING! Spot on and such an inspiration!" Benedicte Texnes Andersen, Norway
Marika Toivola

Marika Toivola

Marika Toivola, MA, is a pioneering teacher and researcher of flipped learning and assessment in Finland. She is working on her PhD in educational science.

Pekka Peura

Pekka Peura

Pekka Peura, MA, has ten years of experience as a subject teacher in maths and physics. Throughout his career, he has engaged in groundbreaking and award-winning work to enhance subject teaching.

Markus Humaloja

Markus Humaloja

Markus Humaloja, MA (Education), has almost fifteen years of experience as a class teacher in different environments, and has been involved in the development of technology-assisted teaching and learning throughout his career.

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