The Finnish labor legislation book provides readers with fundamental insights into the intricacies of Finnish labor law. The book offers a systematic presentation of its subject matter, starting with employment commencement and culminating in the termination of employment contracts. The key issues covered include employment terms and conditions, rights and obligations, privacy considerations, principles of equality, cooperation in enterprises, regulation of working hours, workplace safety, and the nuances of employment contract termination.
Mikko Hyttinen, M.Sc., M.Sc. (Admin.), possesses a wealth of experience in teaching and writing. He has provided extensive instruction in different legal fields as a lecturer in business education at a higher education level.
Atte Korte
Atte Korte, LL.D., has worked as a lecturer in business education at the University of Applied Sciences. He has been the person in charge of legal studies and has taught various courses at the bachelor's and master's degree programs.
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