F1 Drivers Best Quotes

F1 Drivers Best Quotes

Adrian Adams

Vapaa-aika, harrastukset & kulttuuri


112 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789522865687

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 31.01.2014

Kieli: englanti

7,50 €

sis. alv. / Toimituskulut

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Lue lisää
210 Formula1 drivers, 650 quotes – The Book every F1 fan must have!

The large number of drivers in the F1 history is surprising. In total, more than 800 drivers have participated in the F1 race weekends. We all remember the champions, but they would not exist without the other participants.

Many of the drivers´ quotes have become classics and they symbolize the characteristics of the drivers. Michael Schumacher, Bruce McLaren and Ayrton Senna provide us with brilliant quotes related to the sport. On the other hand, some of the not so well-known drivers such as Johnnie Parsons, Hernando da Silva Ramos and Brian Redman, have been able to express their thoughts amazingly well. This book gives the voice to the drivers who deserve to be remembered.
Adrian Adams

Adrian Adams

Hardcore F1 enthusiastic

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