Employees' Experiences with Hybrid Work

Employees' Experiences with Hybrid Work

-and Solutions to Encountered Challenges

Tiina Kähkönen

Talous & johtaminen


106 sivua

ISBN-13: 9789528083801

Kustantaja: BoD - Books on Demand

Julkaistu: 30.09.2024

Kieli: suomi

Hakusanat: Hybrid Work, Working life, Flexible work designs, Narratives, Employees

36,50 €

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Lue lisää
What kind of hybrid work experiences do employees have, and what solutions can be found for various challenges?

In many organizations, hybrid work has been permanently adopted, and nowadays, the flexibility offered by employers regarding work arrangements has become a significant recruitment advantage. Understanding employees' hybrid work experiences is essential for the development of organizational operations, as many organizations are currently seeking a balance between remote and in-person work.

This book presents stories of hybrid work, based on the narratives of 770 Finnish employees. The book provides practical and accessible new insights for organizational leaders and hybrid workers, offering solutions to further develop best practices so that hybrid work can become a sustainable and positive option for both individuals and organizations.
Tiina Kähkönen

Tiina Kähkönen

The author Tiina Kähkönen (D.Sc.), works as a senior planner in the Finnish Defense Forces. Additionally, she is a researcher and writing non-fiction books.

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