Are you a network leader? Leading a network is a skill that is needed more and more in today's working life, but a previous position as a supervisor and years of experience do not guarantee anything in networks. A network is uncontrollable, it cannot be ordered around nor controlled, and every member of the network can influence its operations. If you want to realise your own will i.e. lead the network, you need to get the others to understand your point of view, entice people to cooperate, listen to others, and tolerate diversity and critique.
In a network you orientate everyone into a culture where you communicate efficiently as well as ask for and give feedback. In a network you cannot e.g. not inform others about how the project is coming along, or merely announce things after all the decisions have been made, but rather, all information should be open. On the other hand, openness does not mean the same as drowning people in information so that no one can keep up. The flow of information in a network needs good tools, and you need to be able to measure your success.
Leading a network is not easy, but it is rewarding. A network is support and safety, a source of learning and development, and a key to new opportunities and new collaborative partners. Your network might be quite like-minded with you, or it might consist of sharply differing people, but the most important thing is that you recognise people's differing motivations and needs.
This book gives tips and examples on how you can be a network leader who achieves results and a good spirit. If you want to develop as a network leader, this book is for you!
Ice swimmers, families with young children, CEOs, newspaper editors, dog enthusiasts, coders. Humans form networks among themselves, both unofficial and official ones. We talk of social i.e. community-oriented networks: in them, people receive help, ideas, peer support, springboards upwards, and tips regarding new and interesting networks.
During my life I have been part of several different community-oriented networks. The networks have taken shape as I have needed them. When I have wanted something that I have felt I could not attain on my own, I have started creating a network with which I have been able to advance the matter. Networks for various different interests, professional goals, hobbies, and entrepreneurships have appeared in my life.
All these human networks work the same way, because the contributing factor are humans themselves.
In primary school I formed friendship networks so that I could express myself and make friends, even though I didn't yet know anything about networking. In upper secondary school I created study and hobby networks, so that I could find a counterweight to my studies. During my military service I formed support networks, so that I could be able to live happily within the army's leadership system. During my studies I created a peer network by taking photographs and bringing people together in the nightlife.
My career was headed towards the IT field, where people worked in networked and community-oriented ways. As my career progressed, I started to understand how important it is to give people responsibility and power, because then people become motivated by what they are doing. Having acted in networks for over three decades, I wanted to write a book about how networks are led and what they consist of.
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